If you need safeguarding advice or have a safeguarding concern please contact the District Safeguarding Officer Sue Holder at:
birminghamsafeguarding@birminghammethodist.org.uk Tel: 07508 232773
The Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury Methodist District is committed to the safeguarding and protection of all children, young people and vulnerable adults and firmly believes that the needs of children or of people when they are vulnerable is paramount. The Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury Methodist District fully agrees with the Connexional Team statement reiterated in Creating Safer Space 2007: As the people of the Methodist Church we are concerned with the wholeness of each individual within God’s purpose for everyone. We seek to safeguard all members of the church community of all ages.
Advanced Safeguarding Training Dates.
Anyone wishing to book onto one of these sessions needs to email stephaniebradley@birminghammethodist.org.uk
Advanced Courses arranged in the following Circuit in 2024 - please contact Stephanie for further details regarding venues and timings:
9/3 Kidderminster
16/3 Ledbury
23/3 Cannock
13/4 Wolverhampton
20/4 Dale Street Leamington Spa
11/5 Sutton
21/5 Droitwich
25/5 Coventry Central
1/6 Solihull
8/6 Wednesbury Black Country
19/6 – Birmingham West & Oldbury
22/6 Telford
6/7 Shropshire & Marches - Ludlow
13/7 – Bromsgrove & Redditch
5/10 – Vale of Stour
The Methodist Church is committed to protecting children and vulnerable adults and as such focuses a lot of attention on the work of Safeguarding.
The Wolverhampton & Shrewsbury District and Birmingham District Safeguarding Officer is Sue Holder who is supported by the Assistant Safeguarding Officer Kay Redfern and a team called the District Safeguarding Advisory Group.
Sue can be contacted on birminghamsafeguarding@birminghammethodist.org.uk Tel:07508 232 773
Kay can be contacted on kayredfern@birminghammethodist.org.uk Tel: 07494 734473
There is a dedicated Safeguarding Helpline which is 07800 719639.
Guidance on carry out DBS checks can be found here.
Connexional Social Media Guidelines Parts 1 & 2.
It is recognised that the use of technology in its various forms offers opportunities for the Church to communicate with its members and the wider community. They come with new values and responsibilities, staying within the legal framework, remembering that libel, slander, copyright and date protection laws apply, as does CPD. Guidance for Workers, Parents, Young People aged 11-18 and Children aged 5-10 years are included here to help you in your work in safeguarding.
Social Media Guidelines Part 2
Social Media Guidelines for Workers
Social Media Guidelines for Parents
Social Media Guidelines for Children 5-10
Social Media Guidelines for Young People
The Methodist Church Social Media Guidance Presentation
Other documents that might be of interest to you include the following:
Best Practice in Retaining Records
Self Declaration Forms
Job Descriptions:
Here are some role descriptions to assist churches in adhering to the Safer Recruitment Policy. The user just needs to click on the link and edit to suit their church.